typeerror: string indices must be integers
typeerror: string indices must be integers

The TypeError: string indices must be integers is a common Python error that occurs when you try to access a specific index of a string using a non-integer value. Strings in Python are sequences of characters, and each character can be accessed using integer indices. If you use something other than an integer (like a string or a float) to access a character in a string, Python will raise this error.

Reason for this Error

This error arises because strings in Python can only be indexed by integers. If you try to use a string, float, list, or any other non-integer type as an index, Python doesn’t know how to handle it and raises a TypeError.

Issues for this TypeError

  1. Incorrect Index Type: Using a non-integer type (e.g., a string) as an index.
  2. Misunderstanding of Data Types: Confusing between different data types (e.g., trying to access a dictionary key or list index in a string).

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Troubleshooting of TypeError: string indices must be integers (with Code)

Here’s a step-by-step approach to troubleshoot and fix this error:

  • 1. Identify the Cause

Suppose you have the following code:

This will raise the error because index is a string, not an integer.

  • 2. Correct the Index Type

Change the index variable to an integer:

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  • Review Code Context

Ensure that your code is accessing strings correctly. If dealing with JSON or other data structures, confirm whether you’re working with strings, lists, or dictionaries and access them accordingly:

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In this example, key is used to access a dictionary value, not a string index.


The TypeError: string indices must be integers occurs when non-integer values are used to index strings. By ensuring that indices are integers and verifying data types, you can avoid and fix this error. Always double-check the types of variables and the data structures you’re working with to ensure correct indexing and access.